Tagged: member type pro
Hey there, I’m creating a second members-loop page template that I’d like to filter for a specific members type(s). I can’t use your members type filter shortcode because I can only display specific profile fields in this members loop (which differ from my main members loop page) for privacy reasons. How can I use your plugin to filter for a specific members type inside the members loop?
Thank you for the question.Since you can not use the shortcode and you are creating a different page/loop, your best option is to use
member_type__not_in or member_type__in option in the bp_has_members()
You can specify one or more member type to exclude or include.Regards
Are you able to use bp_has_members in your loop? Can you please post the line you are using for it and I can share the updated version of that with you.Thank you
BrajeshHi Brajesh! Thanks so much for your reply here! I actually don’t know where to start with an example using the bp_has_members hook in a loop. Are you able to provide me with a snippet that I can start with that includes filtering for a member type?
Thanks again!
I am sorry if I was notr very clear.Since you mentioned you are creating a custom loop, Can you please tell me how are you creating a custom loop?
If you create a members loop, It will need the above function. If I can get some idea on how are you creating the members loop, I can assist better.
I am sorry but what is the custom loop. Unless you modify something how will you be able to create a custom loop.If you want to filter for member type and do not want to use our shortcode, you will need to write a loop.
I need to know the code for that loop.
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