This page will guide you on how you can configure the rate limit settings of BuddyPress Profile Likes. This section offers settings like limiting liking other user’s profiles by given number of the threshold value. Also, you can override the threshold value based on time duration.
- Rate Limit General Settings
- Rate Limit Advance Settings
General Settings:-
- Rate Limit Profile Liking?:- Site admin can enable setting to apply a limit on liking other user’s profiles based on a threshold value.
- How Many Likes A User Can Perform?:- Site admin can assign a threshold value that will be applied when the user performs like action on other users.
- Enable Rate Limit For A Time Duration:- Site admin can enable this setting to calculate the limit threshold based on time like 5 users in 1 hr.
- Time Duration:- Site admin can assign a threshold value for the time that will be used to calculate the limit.
- Enable Advance Settings:- Site admin can enable this setting to apply advance settings based on roles.