- Introduction to bp-gallery shortcode
- Including galleries in posts
- Including media[photo/audio/video in post]
Currently, BP Gallery enables you to use shortcodes to embed the media into your blog posts. It’s easy and versatile. There is only one shortcode and you can use a combination of parameters to embed what you want.
Sample short code
[bp-gallery param1=”something” param2=”something” ….]
where “bp-gallery” is the shortcode and param1/param2 are various arguments as described below:-
Available arguments:-
- owner_type:- optional. Its value could be [user/groups/events]. It will depend on whether you want to embed user galleries or group galleries or events gallery/media
- show:-Optional. default value is “gallery”. It controls whether to embed some galleries or media . Possible values are :-gallery/media
- owner_id:- optional. In case you know the owner id[i.e user id/group id], I am sure you won’t be using this argument, If you are specifying the owner_id, you must specify the “owner_type”
- owner_slug:- optional. This is actually the user name /group slug whose gallery/media you want to embed, depending on the owner type, you can either specify a user name[e.g admin for admin’s gallery] or group slug[e.g test-group for including test group’s galleries]. Please note, if you are specifying owner_slug, you should always specify the owner_type
- gallery_id:- optional, In case you are a database pro and feel very much inclined to use the knowledge, otherwise just do not use it. It there just for option.
- gallery_slug:- optional, If you want to embed all the media of a gallery in your post, you can specify the gallery slug[you can check it in the url], It’s easy, but It needs you to use the show=”media” and you must specify owner type and owner slug/id
- orderby:- optional, possible values[ date/random/alphabet]
- type: optional, you can use it to limit the type of embedded media. possible values [photo/video/audio]
- max:- optional how many you want to show, by default is set to 5
Please note, gallery slug can be only used when you want to really embed media from a gallery. Also note, the requirement like some of the options must be specified in order to use others. Now let us see some examples:-
Embedding galleries:-
Embed 5 most recently updated sitewide galleries
[bp-gallery orderby=”date” max=”5″]
Include 5 most recently updated user galleries
[bp-gallery owner_type=”user” max=”5″ orderby=”date” ]
Embedding 5 galleries of a user in the post
[bp-gallery owner_type=”user” owner_slug=”admin” ]
It will embed the 5 galleries of admin[admin is the username ] into the post.
Now, let us only include 3 photo gallery
[bp-gallery owner_type=”user” owner_slug=”admin” type=”photo” max=”3″ ]
The above code filters the gallery type to photo and includes only 3 galleries.
Including Group galleries in the post:-
Include 5 most recently updated group galleries:-
[bp-gallery owner_type=”groups” max=”5″ ]
Embed 5 galleries from a group Test whose lug is “test-group” to post
[bp-gallery owner_type=”groups” owner_slug=”test-group” ]
Now , let us include 4 photo gallery from test group
[bp-gallery owner_type=”user” owner_slug=”admin” type=”photo” max=”4″]
Similarly you can do for video/audio.
…..and so on. Please experiment and let me know in forums what we need to improve.
Embedding media:-
For including media, you must specify the show=”media” in the shortcode
Include most recently updated 10 photos from users
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”user” orderby=”date” type=”photo” max=”10″ ]
So, to include 10 most recent photos of admin, we will do something like this
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”user” owner_slug=”admin” type=”photo” max=”10″ ]
Include 10 most recent photos from groups
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”groups” type=”photo” max=”10″ ]
Include 10 Most recent Photos from test-group
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”groups” owner_slug=”test-group” type=”photo” max=”10″ ]
Include 5 images from a gallery named test gallery[slug:test-gallery] belonging to Use xyz with username “xyz”
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”user” owner_slug=”xyz” gallery_slug=”test-gallery” max=”10″ ]