This page gives you information about the admin settings of the BuddyPress Auto Join Groups plugin.
Settings Screenshot:
- Admin Menu Link
- Settings Page
Please navigate to Settings > BP Auto Join Groups in the backend. Currently, the plugin offers only one setting i.e. When to apply group lists. This setting allows the site admin to control when the group lists groups will be added to the user’s group list.
- User account activation: If enabled, matching list groups will automatically be added to the user’s group list upon their account activation.
- User registration: If enabled, matching list groups will automatically be added to the user’s group list on registration. This condition has one fallacy condition. You can check here.
- On profile update: If enabled, matching list groups will automatically be added to the user’s group list on their profile update.
- On member type change: If enabled, All the matching group lists groups will automatically be added to the user’s group lists when their member type changes.