Thank you for using the plugin. This page will guide you on how to create an auto-join group list using BuddyPress Auto Join Groups.
BuddyPress Auto Join Groups plugin supports two types of auto-join group lists i.e. global list and conditional list.
Creating a Global Group Auto List:
- Add List Button
- Groups Selection Box
- Conditions Box
1. Step 1: Navigate to Groups > Auto List page. Click the “Add New List” button.
2. Step 2: Select the global groups in the “Groups” box by searching for groups using the text box.
3. Step 3: Leave the conditions to their initial state. With this, all is done for creating a global auto-join group list.
Creating a Conditional Group Auto List:
- Add List Button
- Group Selection Box
- Conditions Box
- Auto Joined Groups By User
1. Step 1: Navigate to Groups > Auto List page. Click the “Add New List” button.
2. Step 2: Select the conditional groups in the “Groups” box by searching for groups using the text box.
3. Step 3: For the conditional list, You can configure the settings in the “Conditions” box. You can define conditions based on profile data, member type, user roles and core wp fields. With this, your conditional list is created now.
Synchronise Existing Users:
With the help of this, you can synchronise existing users with the list.