Could you reply to this message instead of the last one, I didnt tick the notify checkbox on the last one, thanks!
Hello my friend, this is awesome, so much new features that were really needed, im about to test and let you know what issues i encounter. One feature would be cool to implement: What about compressing the images after upload? would that be possible. To make images lighter, just like facebook does! What do you […]
Carlos Perez commented on the blog post BP Wire plugin updated %s
Also, how can I make Ajax work with your plugin work as well. I would really appreciate your answer bro
LightCarlos Perez commented on the blog post BP Wire plugin updated %s
Hello bro, and thanks for your work it is of great help, I was just wondering if there is any chance to allow threaded comments in this plug in, if so, how can I activate them
thanks a lot!Carlos Perez became a registered member 14 years, 5 months ago