Cat from Mars commented on the blog post CB Group Blog: A child theme of Cosmic Buddy for group Blogs %s
Got it to work – both themes have to be in the wpcontent/themes folder
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post CB Group Blog: A child theme of Cosmic Buddy for group Blogs %s
Something is wrong here – if I click on a post in the groupblog the page shows up without any formatting. Doesn´t seem to finde the css file
I have cosmicbuddy in the buddybress/themes folder and CB Group blogs in the wp-content/themes folder –…Cat from Mars became a registered member 14 years, 9 months ago
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy Rc2:Try the Updated cosmic buddy theme for buddypress now %s
Sorry, found it…please delete my last comment!!!
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy Rc2:Try the Updated cosmic buddy theme for buddypress now %s
HI, is the Template for the Blog page missing in the RC? I tried folllowing, but there is only a “links” template showing in the template dropdown…
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post Introducing Global sitewide forums plugin for Buddypress %s
HI, copied “gf” bp-default, but still doesn´t show the admin section…could it be a problem with WP 3.0?
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post Introducing Global sitewide forums plugin for Buddypress %s
Hi, I did move gf to cosmicbuddy, but sonce it is not compatible it won´t work. I just wait for the update, no problem
Cat from Mars commented on the blog post Introducing Global sitewide forums plugin for Buddypress %s
Hi, just installed the Plugin and I can´t access the admin seciton. Link to global forum shows nicely in my theme (cosmicbuddy), but there is no admin-section. Tried logout/login, but still not showing. How can I access the admin seciton? Is there…