seems the previous error was due to be removing all extension options in audio and video upload options. I’ve put them back in and the error goes away, however I think there should be the option not to allow those […]
Error when trying to update settings:
Warning: join(): Invalid arguments passed in XXX/wp-content/plugins/mediapress/admin/admin.php on line 226
Any chance of a coherent set of instructions as to: 1. what the current status is 2. exactly how to install/upgrade? I’ve tried to read through that tread and for anyone late to the discussion it’s a mess. I see mention of test sites, beta, migration script, add-ons!!!!! I just want to know if there’s […]
Maza commented on the blog post Creating a Buddypress/Wordpress Username availability checker for your site %s
found the problem – it conflicts with the plugin ‘Wordpress Mobile Pack’
Maza commented on the blog post Creating a Buddypress/Wordpress Username availability checker for your site %s
Not working for me. I’ve tried functions.php method and activating as a plugin but nothing actually happens on the registration page. I’m not using the plugin mentioned by Mark earlier and as far as I can see no other plugins effect the…
Maza became a registered member 14 years, 6 months ago