Mark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
I am having the same issue with the white screen on the site and admin when I activate the cosmicbuddy theme.
Mark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
It works without cosmicpress with only using the buddypress theme. I am trying to use cosmic buddy 1.1 rc. My server admin could not tell me anything about what might be going on.
Mark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
Help anyone?
Mark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
This is what was in my error log:
client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
FastCGI: invalid (dynamic) server “/var/chroot/home/content/h/d/a/hdadams/html-x-httpd-php5″: scriptMark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
Still waiting on the error (just activated the error log on my hosting server and it takes 24 hours to become available) so I will post that when it becomes available.
I double-checked and I do have wpmu 2.9+ and buddypress 1.2 with cosmic buddy 1.1 rc1.Mark became a registered member 14 years, 12 months ago
Mark commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
Whenever I activate my Cosmic Buddy theme my pages go blank in the admin section and in the site itself. Please help!