Hi Brajesh,
Thanks a lot, I haven’t found any bug so far.
Works great!
Greetings Sven
Hi Brajesh,
Just saw your reply, I thought I will get a notification via mail, so I didn’t look for an answer…
It would be nice if you provide the code at github.
Thanks a lot,
SvenHi Brajesh,
Have you tested the buddydev search with buddypress 1.5 beta?
On my test site the search is broken. It redirects to the members directory page.
Svenl77Started a new topic: http://buddydev.com/forums/topic/blog-categories-for-groups-plugin
Did I do something wrong? No feedback at all? I have gone further already, rebuilt the plugin to work with ToDoMiniForms and have it working now also with edit posts, custom fields img upload … There are some questions/ideas I’d like to discuss, but I’m not sure, if this is welcome, as there have been […]
sorry for the double entry. Please delete one , its eating my script examples. I couldn’t trigger it out. how to post script?
Great news! Looking forward to the new version. Thanks 🙂
Hi Brajesh, I just have become a dev member 😉 Thanks a lot for your answer. I have it running now. I guess I found one more bug. If I write a new post there is a read error message, “Sorry, the post does not exists!” Do you plan to add the possibility to edit […]
Hi Brajesh, I’m wondering, normally you always answered every question. Is this plugin still alive? I really like it and would like to help developing it. I have many customers asking for a solution like this. Many people just want to blog with others together in a community, and I think this can be a […]
Hello Brajesh, I really like the idea of this plugin. But I cannot get it running with one quick post. I have version 1.0.2 installed, and the modified one quick post version. But no button for post creation under Group/Blog. I want to use this plugin on a client site, and this would be the […]
Sven Lehnert commented on the blog post Creating The sitewide global/unified search Page for your Buddypress Theme %s
Hi Brajesh Singh,
The search script is not update friendly,
If you disable buddypress the site crashes.
I added if(defined( ‘BP_VERSION’ )) to my copy, to fix this bug.
//Hook Groups results to search page
if(defined(…Sven Lehnert commented on the blog post Creating The sitewide global/unified search Page for your Buddypress Theme %s
Thanks a lot for this tutorial!
This search makes much more sense.Sven Lehnert became a registered member 15 years, 1 month ago