

Bp Ajax registration presale question

  • Participant
    Antoin on #10453

    Hi, I have a presale question for Bp Ajax registration.

    I am creating a marketplace using a theme and WC Vendors on top of buddypress but the signup flow is terrible and I want to make it more user friendly. What I would like to do and I’m wondering if this plugin or any combination of your plugins would allow me to do this easily.

    1) Give users a simple form (popup or embed, it doesn’t matter) to register… email, password, ‘register’ button etc… the usual.

    2) Show a message after clicking the register button (again in popup or embed on page, it doesn’t matter) to say something like “thanks for registering, you can now access the site but you still need to confirm your email”

    3) Users can then go ahead and use the site and see the logged in features etc… like creating their profile etc… etc… but they would have also received an email with a “confirm email” link and there would also be a red notification bar on the site to say confirm email.

    – so basically a ‘First Time User Flow’ that allows people join instantly and access the site and features but also where they still get a “confirm email” email and also a notification displayed on the site until they do confirm their email.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10462

    Hi Antoin,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    Thank you for asking the question.

    1. It allows you to add a popup form(currently only register form is available, login/password reset is not yet but coming soon)

    2/3 The message can be customized. The plugin doe not require email verification though. Problem is if we do not activate the account, BuddyPress won’t allow login. So, this plugin automatically activates the account.

    You may want to use BP Registration Option or similar manual approval plugin to handle this case.

    As from the above points, the plugin does not fully fit into your requirements(Specially the email verification).

    Hope that clarifies.

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