

[Resolved] Member Type fields in Buddypress registration form not showing correctly

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Johan Schygge on #11046

    Purchased the BP Member Type Generator Pro and added some custom fields to the Buddypress registration form to show Muti-select options for Types in three separate fields. Easily done, but now these fields in the registration form doesn’t look to good. Firstly, the field title are doubled in some fields. Secondly these titles, the custom description text for every field and the actual drop-down select field lies on top of one another, making it impossible to read anything of it.

    What’s the matter?

    Best regards,


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #11047

    Hi Johan,
    Thank you for purchasing the plugin. I just checked and here is what it looks to me


    The only thing I see missing is the field description(which BuddyPress 2.9 has moved to the field implementation instead of the theme). We kept that away to support existing theme. I am going to add the test for 2.9 and the description today.

    AS for your question:- Is there a chance that you are using multiple member type fields? If yes, we do not recommend it. It won’t have any issue in showing the field. The problem will be synchronizing/updating the field to the user’s actual member type.


    Is there any reason you can not use single member type field(multi option or single option).

    Please let me know and I will assist further.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Johan Schygge on #11049
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #11050

    Hi Johan,
    Thank you.
    I just had the look and the problem lies with your theme’s css.

    The selector

    #minimal-registration-container .thrive-register-fields-xprofile label

    Is positioned absolute and causing issue.

    If you add this

    #minimal-registration-container .thrive-register-fields-xprofile label {
    position: static !important;

    In your css, It will fix the issue.

    I also noted that you are using multiple member type field. Please use only one member type field.

    Since you want your users to have multiple member type, I will suggest using “Multi Member Type field”

    Hope that helps.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Johan Schygge on #11053

    Thank you very much Brajesh! That fixed the issue with overlap. I’ve still got some field description values showing twice though. Do you have a quick solution for this as well? 😉 I’ve contacted my theme support with this issue, so no pressure!

    Otherwise, when I use multiple member type fields in registration form there’s no problem with assigning the types or modify them later. The only problem I notice is with BuddyPress not showing/sorting the members correctly in the “members” directory. For me, the most important function was to assign multiple types, rather than being able to sort the members associated with them, as I use this feature to automatically restrict users to certain subsites according to what type they chose during sign-up. Maybe not the most straight-forward way of doing things, but still, it works. (One subsite for every member type. I’ve created a role without any capabilities/permissions, and every subsite must assign all the other member type with that role for this to work)
    Best regards, Johan

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #11060

    Hi Johan,
    My apologies for the delayed reply. Been a little bit away.

    I will look at description one more time and update you. If it is happening for all the fields, It is a theme issue. In BuddyPress 2.9, the field description is included with field and theme’s need to remove that code.

    Also, using multiple member type is fine. What I suggest is do not use multiple member type field.

    Create a single field with “Multi Member Type” and use it to allow users select multiple member type. It will allow easy synchronisation.


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