I am moving an old gallery site into mediapress.
I dumped large groups of images into mediapress gallery’s “38 in total”
Then I created the users gallerys under 1 user
Then I associated the images with the new gallery id and the new wp user id
I can pretty much automate the input through mysql however I have to go into each gallery and switch the status from private to public.
Where the heck is this in the database? AHHHHHH
Tried the wp_post and wp_postmeta – Not seeing the TRIGGER anywhere.
Hi Andrew,
At the moment, MediaPress uses Taxonomy( mpp-status) to store the privacy and privacy is stored as terms underscored with their actual value. E.g private is a term with slug _private and so on.Please look into wp_terms_taxonomy for mpp-status and you will find the term_taxonomy_id for the terms here.
We need this to update the wp_term_relationships relation table. In this table, WordPress keeps object(say post type instance) to terms association. The object id is post id.
It is way much easier to do it in php using either WordPress API or MediaPress API.
Please look into it and let me know if you need any assistance from me.
BRajeshPS:- Got your email too. Let us keep the conversation here for now.
Hi Andrew, I will break into 3 queries and post. It is much easier if you used the calculated value from the first 2 in the 3rd query
1. Find the term_taxonomy_id for _private term in the mpp_status taxonomy
SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy AS tt, wp_terms AS t WHERE tt.term_id = t.term_id AND tt.taxonomy="mpp-status" AND t.slug="_private"
Let us say, it gives you value t1
2. Find the value of term_taxonomy_id for _public
SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy AS tt, wp_terms AS t WHERE tt.term_id = t.term_id AND tt.taxonomy="mpp-status" AND t.slug="_public"
Let us say you got the value t2.
Now, all we need to do is update the terms_relationships table and set the new tetm_taxonomy_id
UPDATE wp_term_relationships set term_taxonomy_id = t2 WHERE term_taxonomy_id = t1;
Please make sure to replace the value and use proper prefix.
Future Notes:- We are moving away from the current taxonomy based approach to flat table in the 2.0. The PHP API will remain same but the above queries won’t work.
Excellent thanks here is the code I used to turn from private to public – Turns out 63 was private so in excel I built this sql statement changing the object_id = mygallery AND search for 63 and turn to 62.
backtick(`UPDATE wp_term_relationships SET term_taxonomy_id = ’62’ WHERE object_id = ‘41765’ AND term_taxonomy_id = ’63’;’)
Thanks – Solved
Hi Andrew,
Thank you.I did not specify the object id as I had assumed you wanted to do the bulk update.
Glad that you got it working.
BrajeshGot a few more questions.
1. Is there a way to randomize the gallery page so every time it is loaded the page has new galleries?
2. I performed a lot of moves through the database to move over the galleries however on the front end some galleries you can see images. When you click View
Most just have a blank page – https://www.screencast.com/t/uuwCMJc2s9
But if you just click the image the popup lightbox you can filter through the images.
Last do you have any suggestions with your plugins to spice up the gallery site and make it more interesting. The boss is interested in exploring more of your plugins.
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