Hi there!
I have a website that runs buddypress and has different type of memberships, and the sign up form needs to have fields come up and disappear. I have multiple groups in my “Profile Fields” tab. But the conditional fields only work on the first group but not the rest. How can I solve that?
Hi Nikita,
Thank you for sharing the details. Please allow me 24 – 48 hours at max to check and get back to you.if there is anything special about the site(like custom theme, custom fields types, using member types etc) please do let me know.
Thank you
BrajeshSo the theme we’re using is Salient, and the only custom fields are the ones that buddypress allows us to make, so no coded fields.
Thank you Nikita. I will get back to you by the day end today(Sunday).
BrajeshHi Nikita,
Thank you for the patience.I have found the bug. There is a place where I am checking that the field which triggers change must exist in dom. That is an incorrect assumption for the edit page. I am working on it and will have a release in next couple of hours.Regards
BrajeshHi Nikita,
I have fixed the issue.Please upgrade to 1.2.4
https://buddydev.com/plugins/conditional-profile-fields-for-buddypress/And it will work with conditions across multiple filed groups. Please do let me know if it works for you or not?
BrajeshPerfect! thank you so much!
One more question, is there a way to make conditional groups?
Hi Nikita,
You are welcome.About Conditional profile field groups, I am sorry but this plugin is unable to help with that. It is possible to do so but it is complex with BuddyPress.
Hello again,
The fix works however this is a bug I noticed. I am adding around a large amount of conditional fields, however if I notice an grammar error or another error of any sort, once I correct the issue it appears that the ID’s of all the conditional fields proceeding it will change. For example: [show if{example}=864] will not longer work and when I update the field it will change to [show if{example}=894]. This is a serious issue as it seems that the ID’s of the values change anytime any field before it get edited. This appears to be a form of a memory leak and given enough time will cause the db table to swell in future changes over time. Perhaps adding a GUID. Could you also give me the db tables that the plugin writes to as I will need to delete the 894+ entries already created.– Nikita
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Nikita Leonovets.
Hi Nikita,
For the select, radio, checkboxes BuddyPress deletes and recreates the field. It is not the conditional field plugin, It is BuddyPress which is deleting/recreating option field(these are child fields) and that’s why you are seeing the changed value.
Since we use values to compare, I believe you can ignore the changed field id and the plugin will work for you.
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