Hi guys,
Thanks for your support. Just trying to associate Member Types with User Roles (Edit Member Type -> Member Type -> Associate Roles).
But two of our custom user roles are not listed. Other custom user roles are listed + the system roles.Thanks
HeikoHi Heiko,
Thank you for using the plugin.I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Is there anything special about those roles? Are these roles assignable from User screen? Are they added via some role manager? We use ‘get_editable_roles()’ to get the list of editable roles.If they are assignable on User edit screen, They should be available to the settings page too.
Please let me know which plugins and how are you adding the role and I will assist.
BrajeshThank you for your fast support.
The custom roles are clones of the “Subscriber” role – used plugin: AAM.
1 of the cloned roles is visible in your plugin: “Teacher”. The other 2, also cloned roles “Teacher (Unverified)”, “Teacher (Premium)” are not visible in your plugin.
And yes, all 3 cloned roles are available to select from “Edit User”.I can give you backend access to our development environment.
HeikoHi Heiko,
Thank you.From the details I can guess the issue.
It seems to me that the AAM plugin is adding roles late. For it to be available on the Role->member Type mapping page, we need the roles to be available on ‘admin_init’ action.
Please allow me 30 minutes to check AAM and see the issue.
BrajeshSure – thank you. That it’s not an “everyday” work to create new user roles, happy to push something/make changes – even using a different role plugin beside AAM.
Thank you for the patience.I have checked it.
The AAM plugin works with member types.
https://i.imgur.com/ml9aa6w.pngIt is most probably some configuration for the custom role preventing it from being listed.
Please grant me access to the backend and I can check and assist.
PS:- I will be off from work for next 8 hours. Will reply back in the morning IST now.
Thank you
BrajeshHi Heiko,
Thank you.
I am looking at it now. Will update soon.Regards
It seems to me that it is working fine. Please see the screenshots in my next reply.Regards
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