

Mediapress Gallery profile page redirect question

  • Participant
    Roberto Bahena on #2346

    Hi, I just want to say that this is a great plugin.

    I have one question, is there a filter or action that will allow me to redirect to a members first gallery instead of the list of galleries page?

    For example, when I go to a member profile page, you will see the Gallery link, if you click it, by default you go to the gallery list page for that member. Is it possible to go directly to the first gallery created by the member? it doesn’t really have to be the first gallery, just any gallery, perhaps the latest gallery created by the user. Any help would be much appreciated, of course if a member has not created any galleries yet, then you will just go to the “There are no galleries available” page.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #2350

    Hi Roberto,
    Thank you.

    It is possible to do so but I have a few questions.

    How the user will be able to list all galleries? If you can help me understand that I can put some sample code here.

    Thank you

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