

Improvements suggestions for BP User Circles

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 48
    Eric LUCAS on #25160

    Hello and thanks for all your nice products.

    I’ve long been tempted to purchase BP User Circles, but there are still some little issues.

    1/ About the defaut circles created at registration, can you make a system where it would be possible to set different lists of default circles, depending on the *member types* (selected at ragistration) ?
    Indeed, depending on the type of members, their interests and circles can be very different. For exemple, for parents of disabled children, they will appreciate to have some ready-made circles like ‘helpers’, ‘therapists’ and so on, but for the volunteers (other type of members) they won’t need it.

    2/ Can you make it possible, in a future version, to send messages (and not only notifications) to all the members of circle (all at once), by the user (member)?

    I think that these features would make the plugin even more cool and useful, and I would gladly buy it.

    Thanks !

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #25190

    Hi Eric,
    Thank you for the suggestion.

    1. Makes sense. Will be nice to integrate with our Member Types pro. Will have it in near future release.

    2. Sorry, This may not be feasible currently. A lot will depend on how BuddyPress Message evolves.


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