Tagged: code trouble shooting
I am using this snippet to show certain buddypress actvity on a page but it is showing full activity content , can you help me with the code which will limit the content to 120 0r 140 character.
<?php $params = array( 'user_id' => false, 'scope' => false, 'per_page' => 11, 'action' =>'activity_update', 'display_comments' => false, 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => 'favorite_count', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'meta_key' => 'favorite_count', 'orderby'=> 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'DESC', ) ), ); if ( bp_has_activities( $params ) ) :?> <?php while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity();?> <a href="<?php bp_activity_user_link(); ?>"> <?php bp_activity_avatar(); ?> <?php $member_id = bp_get_activity_user_id(); echo '<div class="nono">' . bp_core_get_user_displayname( $member_id ) . '</div>';?> </a> <span class="activity"> <?php printf( __( '%d Likes', ), (int)bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), 'favorite_count', true) ); ?><?php bp_activity_action(); ?> </span> </div> <a class="story__summary" href="<?php bp_activity_thread_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_activity_content_body(); ?></a> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif;?>
Hi Frank,
Welcome to BuddyDev.Please replace this line
<a class="story__summary" href="<?php bp_activity_thread_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_activity_content_body(); ?></a>
with this
<a class="story__summary" href="<?php bp_activity_thread_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo bp_create_excerpt( bp_get_activity_content_body(), 140 ); ?></a>
That should do it.
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