Tagged: Branded Login for BuddyPress
Hi folks,
I just purchased Branded Login for BuddyPress and seems not working. Also not sure how to apply any style because it comes up to the top of page and even is not actionable.
I’m using Divi as a Theme with Buddypres.
Thank you for any guida, lights!
Hi Eli,
Thank you for reporting.We haven’t tested it with Divi. Please allow me to check and get back to you in couple of hours. It is most probably a template layout issue.
BrajeshHi Eli,
I had a look and this is what it looks to me with Divihttps://i.imgur.com/YtEy82W.png
Is it the same for you or is it something else?
BrajeshHi Eli,
Thank you.I checked again and the form I posted was a side effect of of one of our other code making it look good.
After disabling all plugins, I was able to see the issue.
Please visit Dashboard->Appearance->Customize->Addition css and add the following code
.bl-login-page .standard-form input[type='text'], .bl-login-page .standard-form input[type='password'], .bl-reset-page .standard-form input[type='text'], .bl-login-page .standard-form label { display: block; width: 100%; } .bl-login-page .standard-form input[type='text'], .bl-login-page .standard-form input[type='password'], .bl-reset-page .standard-form input[type='text'] { padding: .8em 1.5em; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); min-width: 120px; } .standard-form #wp-submit { padding: .8em 1.5em; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
and let me know if it helps. If not, Please keep the plugin active and let me know. I can check the page quickly and help.
PS:- Please do not copy the code from notification mail. Copy it from the forum posts. The code in email get entity encoded and will not work.
BrajeshI have addes the code, but the result is not the expected.
Take a look:
Thank you.I checked your site and It seems you have used another plugin now. I will get the refund issued within next 12 hours and reply.
If you still plan to use the plugin on some site, Please do let me know.
We would like to use it, but we are not sure how to make it work.
I am sorry, I haven’t been able to assist you in last 2 days properly.Can you please enable the plugin with Divi template and provide me access to the site(Please feel free to use Set as private reply checkbox in the reply containing link).
I need to check if it is some configuration as with the help of above css, It working for me.
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