Tagged: moderation fail
I’m not sure what happened but the moderation plugin is failing.
There is no icon anywhere and the word ‘Report’ is showing up in weird places.
Not sure what I should do.
Thank you!!
Hi Kathy,
I am sorry for the inconvenience.have you done any recent update or changes on the site?
is it happening for activity reporting ?
BrajeshI have not seen the flag for a couple of days — I only just noticed the strange locations of the word ‘Report.’
I updated the buddyboss platform and theme after I saw this hoping it would fix it somehow.
I added a plugin to change emails so that they would be from my site instead of say they were from wordpress.
I changed the names of some menu items. I reordered menu items.
I added some code to try to remove categories from showing on the buddyboss blog plugin because it looked so bad. But I’m in the process of thinking I can get rid of that plugin because it has all kinds of issues. This is the code I added:
.widget.sap-widget.sap-category-widget {
visibility: hidden !important;
height: 0px !important;
}So maybe it is a conflict with one of the two new plugins.
I also changed Mozart’s List to mozartslist or Mozartslist in a lot of places because in emails it reads Mozart/’s List which I don’t know how to fix.
I reinstalled the buddyboss emails which fixed the problem that all of the email notifications for the private messenger were sent with the body of the text in html.
I hope I’m not leaving anything out. This is mostly what I have done in the last couple of days..
I hope this helps.
Thank you for writing.
Hi Kathy,
I am looking at it. I have some assumptions that it could be related to BuddyBoss font family update that we faced with Editable activity earlier.I will have an update in 1-2 hours.
BrajeshHi Kathy,
can you please check if you are using BuddyPress Moderation Tools version 1.3.6. The icon was fixed in that version.Regards
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