

BuddyBlog with Presto Player

  • Participant
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    Michael McCain on #42623

    I just purchased BuddyBlog Pro hoping it would work with Presto Player. I am contacting them also. Oembed is not a good option and normally they would be invoked by the block editor. How can I add presto? Custom filed is where I would hope / expect it to be.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #42625

    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for purchasing from us.

    I had a look but I could not find the docs for Presto Player. Can you please contact them and ask them for link to any document to enable Presto Player for custom video urls. We will be glad to support it for custom fields.

    I don’t use the player but my assumption is that it should work for the link inside the contents(post content). If not, please report it to them.


  • Participant
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    Michael McCain on #42633

    Thank you for your timely and great reply. It is really great you are willing to assist! I have request the information from Presto Made.

    If I am correct, we are going to be able to use your plugin with Presto to add videos and podcasts to the blog with your assistance. This is very cool!

    Once I hear back from Presto, I will update here.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #42651

    Thank you.
    I am looking forward to their reply. It will be a pleasure to have it work with our plugin.


  • Participant
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    Michael McCain on #42678

    They sent a reply about using short codes to link the videos. This does not get us to where we need to be. I await a better reply.

    Currently, Presto invokes “Video Add” from the block editor or other editor. Is there a way to call a block editor function as a field or the same function they call? It needs to allow you to select or upload a video and then place it as the post.

  • Participant
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    Michael McCain on #42689

    I continue to go back and forth with Presto. I am hoping they will join the thread here. If Presto Player was not part of the equation and I wanted to add a just a video from the media hug, how would I call it from the form?

    Also, media Hug is one of the “Post Types”. Is there any other type of post you could use other than Post? Just looking where it can plug in. Preto works very well with the block editor, which I do not believe you support.

  • Participant
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    Michael McCain on #42690

    From Presto:

    “I don’t think you’d want to call the media hub. The Media Hub is media + player settings. This includes chapters, poster image, performance settings, controls, overlays, etc. I’m assuming your users won’t have access to this interface.

    Instead, you’ll likely want to use the regular media library, and output it in the player like this:

    do_shortcode(‘[presto_player src=”yourvideo.mp4″ preset=1]’);

    Note that I just added the video url right there – no need to select from a media hub, just provide the url. I’ve also added a preset that you can use for all users if you want.”

    Does that help?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #42691

    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for the details.

    Please help me understand the workflow. Is this the workflow you are looking for?

    1. There is a custom field(say Presto Video) that you add to the post form
    2. A user selects or uploads a video from WordPress video upload screen
    3. On the selection of video, we use that shortcode and try to render it(let us say via ajax to show use the actual player).
    4. We save the video url etc and generate the shortcode dynamically when a blog post is shown.

    Is that what you need? I haven’t used PrestoPlayer and don’t have much idea about it so just confirming before adding.


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