

Advanced Conditional Logic

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 21
    James Helms on #43068

    Would you be willing to add another layer to the conditional logic plugin so that the following become possible:

    1. The current radio select options become checkboxes to allow selecting multiple criteria?
    2. The field options also inherit the conditional logic?

    For (2) what I mean is assume I have created a Checkbox or Multi-Select Field option that is conditional. Still allow that field to have a conditional value. But, the options for the checkbox and/or multi-select would also have conditional values.

    An example of this would be as such:

    I want to collect user information about games that they play. Some games can be played on xbox, playstation, nintendo, pc, mobile, while others can only be played on one, or a few of those, but not ALL. Rather than having multiple console option fields for each specific game, I would like to have a single conditional field option that lets me list all console options, and then which games (other field) those are available for.

    The idea is that using BuddyBoss User Search, and BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Pro would give my users a better way to connect, and match with people playing similar games.

    Thank you,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #43081

    Hi James,
    Thank you for the suggestions.

    I am assuming that it is about BuddyPress Auto Friendship pro? We do plan to update and add support for using multiple otions but we won’t be able to have the the functionality for inheriting the condition for the field option.

    We do plan to re-think that part in future.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 21
    James Helms on #43095
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