WE are using the BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types Plugin.
I need to add a country to the countrylist in a way that is updatesave.
I could add it simply in the pluginfile, but the next update would erase my change.
How can i add a Country, we need Kosovo added to the List.Thx for your Help!
Best Regards
Hello Chris,
Thank you for using the plugin. I have updated the country list in the plugin. We will update you within 24 hrs regarding the release.
Please check the commit URL and let me know if I added the correct country code:
RaviHi Chris,
We are sorry, we had to revert the last change after a discussion here. A wikipedia entry shows it as partially recognized and we do not want the country list to affect the existing sites using this plugin.we will be adding a filter and providing you the code to locally manage addition/removal of countries from the list.
BrajeshHi Chris,
Hope you are doing well.
I am sorry, I posted in wrong topic about the solution.Please upgrade to 1.2.2 and add the following code
// add extra country to the country field dropdown. add_filter( 'bpxcftr_countries_list', function ( $countries ) { $countries['XK'] = __( 'Kosovo', 'bp-xprofile-custom-field-types' ); // sort alphabetically by keys. ksort( $countries ); return $countries; } );
That will add the country.
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