

BuddyPress Activity Plus not uploading images

  • Participant
    Ryan on #53338


    I am using wpoffload and it causes an error with this plugin as it seems to create images at https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads/bpfb/tmp/undefined

    Is there a way for the plugin to use the standard WordPress upload_image for the image uploads instead of your bpfb destination??

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24524
    Brajesh Singh on #53340

    Hi Ryan,
    I am sorry, the plugin is not supported any more. We recommend using default BuddyPress attachment plugin. We will be taking this plugin down around WordPress 6.7 release.

    Please use BuddyPress attachment plugin by BuddyPress team.


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