

Continer Class issue with Activity Plus Reloaded

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Leane on #55055

    Hi everyone.
    I have already spent hours on this, so now I am finally asking you guys for opinions, help or nudges in the right direction.

    I love this Plugin and it works really great except for one thing:
    Whenever I make a post (doesn’t matter if video, photo or link) the activity is created correctly but the live-loading activity on screen has the wrong class or rather it is missing a part of a class name in the div containing the activity meta.
    as soon as I reload the page everything is of course fine again, but before that the design is broken.

    the class for the div should be class="activity-meta" but it turns up just class=" -meta" and therefore stylesheet doesn’t apply.

    It is only happening when posting an activity with BP APR – standard posting works fine.

    I sifted through all the code and especially the js, but for the life of me – I can’t figure out where this live version of the activity is created on the buddypress side of things. so I can’t really begin to find out where the complications are.

    if you have any hints for me where to look it would be hugely appreciated!

    Thank you in advance,

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Leane on #55056

    Sorry – I can’t edit the post anymore – I misspelled Container in the title (amongst other things) … sorry – I am really tired from staring at screens the whole week.^^

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #55057

    Hi Lea,
    Hope you are doing well.

    Which theme and template pack are you using? Is it happening on post from profile activity stream or sitewide(or both).

    Please let me know and I will assist.


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