Tagged: Directory, Hide, member type, products, woocommerce
I have buddypress Member Types plugin (thank you!)
But would like to ask how to hide certain wocommerce products (by ID) for certain member types.
I essentially want to show different variations dependant on what type of member they are.
I found this https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/hide-members-based-on-member-type/
And this https://buddydev.com/buddypress/hiding-users-on-buddypress-based-site/But nothing for products yet!
Hi Elliot,
I have looked at it and I don’t see a way to exclude individual product ids. WooCommerce seems to ignore post__in and post__not_in parameters.But, a doc on WooCodex suggests some code with categories.
I will suggest looking at it.
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