Hi – May I ask, when clearing notifications on my install the page is refreshed and loads the current logged in user profile page. Ideally it should just clear the notifications and stay on the same page. Is this an issue with my install/theme or is this how the plugin is intended to work?
If it’s the latter; any chance on a pointer for how to change that? I often just wish to clear the notifications without changing page.
Thanks in advance.
PS – In the past I’ve had to add 3 custom functions to my theme’s functions.php (theme is Boss by BuddyBoss) – they were;
function boss_notification_count_heartbeat
function boss_clear_all_notifications
function your_custom_statusI can provide full details of the functions if that’s needed/helpful.
Hi Lyndon,
Thank you for posting.
It seems to be a theme conflict.The plugin should clear without reloading the page.
Since one of my clients use this theme, I will test the plugin on the staging site I am managing and assist you further tomorrow.
Thank you
BrajeshHi Lyndon,
Please upgrade to 1.0.4
https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-clear-notifications/I have added support for the Boss theme. To be honest, The Boss theme messes the notification menu and currently, I have added the support by selecting the last item in the menu. I sure hope they improve it in future and provide some other concrete way to select menu items.
Please let me know if it works for you or not?
Most probably the selector is not working. Safari 10.1 and above should work.
https://caniuse.com/#search=%3Alast-childI have used :last-child selector as there were no other way to select the link on Boss theme.
Which version of safari are you using? Also, Please make sure to clear the cache.
Hi Brajesh,
Sorry to be a pain but there’s a newer version of the Boss theme available that breaks the fix you just made 🙁
The file that seems to break it comes from the boss folder template-parts. In fact I believe it’s file header-profile.php
No instead of having just an alert section on the top menu, there’s now also a separate notification for internal messages (not just the notifications).
I would be very happy to share this file (or the who pack) with you to look at if you can suggest where I save / email it?
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