I noticed a problematic error message when adding documents, is the user does not have a document store (I’m assuming) when the user clicks on the add document button, a message comes up “Please select a Group to upload to” But there is no group pick list so this seems to be an erroneous error message and it should say something like you do not have the ability to upload documents?
Mind it might be me misunderstanding how that’s supposed to work. I noticed for photo uploads the system automatically created a wall gallery for users that did not have a gallery created so would have thought the same would happen here?
Please do recheck. Is it happening for group? It is a possibility that you may see on group activity update.
To avoid it, please Visit dashboard->MediaPress->settings->Groups and make sure that document type is enabled.
Please do let me know if that works for you or not?
Hi George,
Thank you. MediaPres should not cause such issue as per my original tests. If you have found the reason, please do let me know. Or you can post the error message that may help to identify the reason.
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