Hi, I am new here and am presently getting an idea of how BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro can meet our requirements. I like what I read so far, there’s just this other item we’d like to know regarding this plugin.
Is it possible to restrict access to a tab to Forum organisers or moderators only. If that is possible, then your plugin would really be a lifesaver.
Hi Jerry,
Welcome to BuddyDev forums.Thank you for your interest in the plugin.
It will depend on the forum software you are using. Are they adding the moderator/forum organizers as WordPress roles? If yes, you can do it. If no, it does not allow that. Please check the WordPress roles list to see if it added by the forum.
BrajeshWe are using BuddyBoss.
What we have in mind is to have several tabs, in addition to the default ones (
Send Invites
Manage) in the group. These additional tabs are visible BUT NOT accessible to the group members unless they are a designated moderator or organizer.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Jerry Laviña.
Hello Jerry,
Thank you for the details. As per your requirement you need the following plugin:
https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-group-tabs-creator-pro/// For adding tabs account based
Currently, Our tab visibility offers only for “Anyone”, “Logged In”, ‘Members Only’ and “Group Admins Only”. But with some custom code we can make tab visible based account.Regards
Ravi- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Ravi.
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