

Activity feeds don’t filter per-person when using a domain for a WPMU subsite

  • Participant
    Trevor Thomas on #53569

    So, I know this plugin isn’t officially compatible with the BuddyBoss Platform Pro plugin, but I’m trying it anyway… I’ve built a multisite using BB platform pro with your BuddyPress Multi Network plugin, and the issue we’re running into is that activity isn’t being filtered per-person/group when using domains instead of subdomains for each subsite: https://thejourneyinward.com/connection/groups/news (This is a WPMU subsite, and you can see that it’s displaying activity for every group, not just this one. Same with profiles, displates sitewide activity instead of this user’s activity: https://thejourneyinward.com/connection/members/trev/activity).

    Apparently, everything works properly if we DON’T connect domains to each subsite. If I leave them as subdomains everything works fine, but as soon as I connect them to actual domains (which requires separate logins per site instead of just 1 for the multisite) the activity feeds stop working, and a number of other things (like I can no longer upload group cover images, and members/groups list pages stop displaying properly, etc.).

    How can I still use domains instead of subdomains, while keeping activity feeds (etc.) from breaking?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #53572

    Hi Trevor,
    Thank you for using the plugin.

    I am sorry, we do not have any idea why the issue happens. If you use our multi network plugin, all it does is changes the table prefix to make it use current blogs’s prefix e.g wp_1_xyz instead of wp_xyz for all the BuddyPress specific tables.

    That’s all it does for activities or any other custom component. If it is not working, I will suggest contacting BuddyBoss to investigate the issue(Is there a possibility that the activity table is not honouring the prefix?).


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #55110

    I am sorry for the unpleasant experience of the spam/offensive content you might have received. We have removed the spam content and the user account who posted it.

    I am closing this topic to avoid any further experience like this.


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