Hi — Ravi ——- Brajesh
Activity plus has a glitch when using it with a re-posting plug.
When a post with a uploaded image is repeated by a re-poster
many times. All of the users that used the re-poster are given a
buddypress deletion button for the post they created.If any of them delete their post, the image is erased and
doesn’t appear on all of the others.Is there a way to isolate the image erase function so only the
deletion of the original post by that user, or admin will cause
the media to erase ?Can this be done with some easy to write code ?
This is the plug
https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-repost-activity/#descriptionThank You
Thank you for reporting the issue.Please allow us to look into it and assist you. I will be getting back to you over Monday with a possible solution.
BrajeshHi — Brajesh — Ravi
I thought an easy way to solve the problem would be to turn off
the image clean up option and use a media cleaner plug. None
of them could connect images in the uploads / bpfp folder as
registered with the database. They marked images to be
deleted when they were being used. Are images uploaded
through activity plus registered in the database ?Thank You
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I am sorry, I have been guilty of ignoring your post. Though the intention was always to look into the code and assist but as time passed, I just kept missing it.The problem you have mentioned is result of how Activity Plus works.
1. When an activity is deleted, we delete all the media inside that activity.
The real problem is Activity plus does not store any data about who uploaded a file. It uses activity id as the owner object to determine actions for embedded media.
This is a problematic approach but we did not design this. We forked this plugin(when It was abandoned by WPMU Dev) to keep supporting the existing user base. Our plugin(MediaPress) handles this kind of situation a lot better as the media ownership information is available.
Now, the question is:- Is it insecure. Probably not out of the box as users won’t be able to copy paste markup into the activity, so can not claim ownership over other’s media.
But when you use a plugin like re-share, it can copy the content of the original post and which the current ownership check, It fails to detect the real owner.
I am sorry but I do not see any solution unless the media is stored in wp attachment. But that will not happen as this is a plugin in long term maintenance and should not be used on new sites in favour of BuddyPress Attachment plugin.
I had a look at the report plugin and I could not find a way to skip certain activity types. So, I will suggest moving to BP Attachment or MediaPress(temporarily as we are currently not sure about MediaPress’s future with BP Attachment).
BrajeshHi Brajesh
Thanks for looking into it.Gosh , — I had no idea it was that type of problem.
None of the media cleaner plugs I have tried work with
activity plus.
The plug below is a media cleaner with a basic interface.
it still works except for activity plus, it flags files in use for
deletion.It appears to be abandoned by the original author.
It would be very awesome if you could give it a quick look
to see if a simple tweek would allow it to cross refrence the
activity plus folder with the database.Maybe it just needs to call out to the correct table.
It could be a very useful tool to erase unused media in
buddypress or BP plugs that have a image clean up
problem.This directory cleaner could be posted for everyone
on buddydev.https://wordpress.org/plugins/upload-directory-cleaner/
Thank You
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