Hello, I’ve recently installed this plugin to create a shortcode for the activity feed, every time I like or comment, the page refreshes, I noticed in the plugin files, it has a file named ‘class-bpas-ajax-handler.php’, so I understand it should support AJAX?
Basically all I want it for it to work like the original buddyboss activity feed, which doesn’t reload the page on every like.
Thank you!
Welcome to BuddyDev.I am assuming it is about activity shortcode. Due to changes in the way stream actions are handled in Bp Nouveau(& BuddyBoss), The plugin does not support BuddyBoss or BP Nouveau template pack and we are only maintaining it for BuddyPress legacy template pack.
I meant that the plugin does not support BuddyBoss or any theme using BP Nouveau template pack.Regards
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