

Ajax Registration – manual approval?

  • Participant
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    Diana on #10034

    Hi Brajesh,

    How can I force registration manual approval? This is essential for the site I’m building. Will a plugin such on of the following likely work, or do I need to intercept ‘bp_complete_signup’ in the ajax registration handler some way?



    Thank you very much.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10042

    Hi Diana,
    Please give a try to Registration Options. It should work. If there is any issue, please do let me know(I will try it today too ).

    Thank you

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    Diana on #10044

    Hi Brajesh,

    Registration Options didn’t work well for me. It still allowed the pending user(s) to access certain private parts of the site.

    I’m giving this plugin a try tonight:

    Just curious, what would you charge to design a buddypress registration handler for Caldera Forms? After looking and looking, I’m dumbfounded by the dearth of BuddyPress registration packages compared to say, WordPress or 3rd party member sites that don’t necessarily play nice with BuddyPress.

    I had a really nice Caldera registration forms, even purchased their user add-on for registration a year ago. Then realized it saves the meta to a different location and ignores BuddyPress. I had no idea that BuddyPress and WordPress were so lightly coupled. A good thing, but BuddyPress needs some beefing up to get people started. Why would one want to implement a member site with ugly registration forms? It’s practically the first thing people see. Auto-registration to the world is great, but there’s lots of small community sites that should have areas closed to the public and screen their members.

    Climbing down off my soapbox now!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10053

    Hi Diana,
    I will make the plugin compatible with one of these. Going to test them and report back.

    I share your feelings about the registration experience. BuddyPress Registration experience is not that great. The thing is, It still gives a lot of flexibility and flexibility and usability seldom go well together.

    Will try to do my best to assist you with the screening and approval.

    Thank you

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    Diana on #10060

    Hi Brajesh,

    After browsing some of the Caldera Forms code, it struck me that the form generation & data collection are modular, with processors that can be chained serially for validation & final writing to a database.

    I’m assuming that Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms are similar. There is no BuddyPress registration processor add-on for any of those form plugins, just WordPress registration as a paid add-on.

    So it should be possible to send data collected from each of those to a custom processor which could link an input form field to any existing xprofile fields, then standardize the data received, then pass those massaged data to a common BuddyPress registration processor.

    Then the forms plugins can do what they do best, that is, forms generation and data collection with a nice user interface(s).

    I am most familiar with Caldera Forms, which has a number of tutorials and examples beyond my current skillset, as php is new to me — along with WordPress, BuddyPress & membership systems:






    I’m not sure how you’d want to price such an add-on, but I’d be happy to pay $35 one-time fee, if I could get bug fixes / updates with that.

    Until I found your buddypress ajax-registration, I was stymied. One can find many membership plugins, each with its own meta table & profile, and none which really integrates with BuddyPress. They duplicate some of BuddyPress’ functionality but bypass much of BuddyPress. At best, they seem to have separate profiles — maybe profiles are such a small part of BuddyPress that it doesn’t matter.

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Next few days are pretty busy so I might not get back to you for a bit. Have a great week.


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    Diana on #10064

    Update: The “Eonet Manual User Approve” plugin seems to work very nicely with Ajax-BuddyPress-Registration, except I was unable to check the email functions since I’m on a local environment. Next day or two I will migrate the site, then send you a link so you can check out the registration form styling etc.

    Hope your week is going well.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10071

    Hi Diana,
    Thank you. I am doing well and hope the same for you.

    It’s good to know that the the Eonet Manual User Approve is working with it. we have our own Admin power tools coming in next two weeks that will have these functionality too.

    Thank you for the details on the caldera forms. I am not much familiar with it. I will certainly look at it in next 2-3 days and will let you know if I will be able to provide an addon for it(Need to check the market for it).

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Diana on #10178

    I set up Eonet Manual User Approve w/ BuddyPress Ajax Registration on a remotely hosted site rather than on my local host.

    Processing the registration form seems to take a very long time, although this could be BlueHost.

    The registration form stays open after the form is processed. The form is not reset, so it’s not clear the user has been processed until I go into the back end and check.

    Eonet is not showing a message or emailing either me as admin or the user, so far as I can tell.

    Will work on this more tomorrow.

    Site is: https://wp.interiorhorsecouncil.com/ and press the “Register” button at the page top to bring up the form.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10181

    Hi Diana,
    Welcome back.

    Please allow me to play with these two today and I will have some solutions.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Diana on #10183

    Hi Brajesh, I need to play with them too.

    I’m not sure what happened with the close button or the message that someone has successfully registered. I need to roll back to BuddyPress 2.8, possibly. When I updated to 2.9, the styling got all messed up on the form and I had to restyle a bunch of css for it. That’s what took me so long!

    Let me know if you need access, or if you’d like a copy of the css file. I found some example css to set up balanced (well, fairly balanced) columns that are still responsive.


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