

Ajax registration plug-in: how to change existing registration and login buttons

  • Participant
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    Kevin Ulgenalp on #36238

    Hello! I recently purchased Ajax registration plug in so my users don’t have to verify email and activate and then login. I’ve got the settings right, but cannot figure out how to change the existing registration and login buttons to the Ajax plug in ones. Can you help? I realize it has to do with adding CSS and/or IDs but do not know how to create them and exactly where to put them.

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #36240

    Hello Kevin,

    Thank you for using the plugin. Please take a look on following resource


    Look at link selector setting similiar for login button.

    Please do let me know if it helps or not.


  • Participant
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    Kevin Ulgenalp on #36250

    Hi Ravi,

    Thank you! I did see this panel, but still do not know how to add the link selector to my existing login buttons. I know that there is a setting for Attributes in the button creation panel in WordPress. Is this where I put one of the link selectors so the button opens the Ajax form? Which link selector do I use? Or, do I create a new one? How do I create a new one?

    Can you help me with this?

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #36253

    Hello Kevin,

    Yes, You can add your login and register button selector here. To look for the selectors you can use Google Chrome developer tool inspect tab or you can point me to the site so that I can help you with this.


  • Participant
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    Kevin Ulgenalp on #36258
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #36270

    Hi Kevin,
    Thank you for the details.

    Please add the following to login selector


    and following to registration selector


    Then try it. Please let me know if it works or not?


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