

[Resolved] Anomaly with conditional fields

  • Participant
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    Marc Sellier on #50995


    I have already wrote about this problem here: https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/anomaly-with-conditional-fields/

    I thought that it was fixed, but now I noticed that, once I choose a member type clicking on “Chi sei?” here https://intimoclub.it/register/ , all the fields called “Città” appears again even if they shouldn’t. Once I choose a value on “Regione”, they disappear and only one stay.

    What I want is that all this conditional fiels don’t appear all at once. Only the right one has to appear once the user choose a value on “Regione”. Can you fix it please?

    Let me know how can I send you the WP Admin login.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #50996

    Hi Marc,
    Thank you for the post.

    It seems you are using both conditional fields and member types pro conditions?

    1. I will suggest using member types pro conditions only as it works with most of the theme/template packs.

    2. If it still does not work, Please try disabling Youzify temporary, clear the page cache and test, does that work? Our plugins are mostly incompatible with youzify due to their approach to markup, so I a hoping that is the reason!


  • Participant
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    Marc Sellier on #51002

    Hi Brajes,

    sorry but I don’t understand what exactly you are traying to do.
    If I disable “Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress” plugin, all conditional fields don’t work anymore.

    However, I tried to disable Youzify even, but bugs are still there and conditional fields don’t work logically. Any suggestion?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #51013

    Hi Marc,
    Thank you for the reply.

    The member types pro also offers conditions based on member types(if you enable it in Dashboard->settings->Member Types). I was suggesting to keep only one of the 2 enabled for conditions.

    With your reply, I am assuming you haven’t used the member types pro conditions.

    Also, I had a look and I believe there is a problem with setting up conditions. Please share a screenshot/video showing the conditions that you have setup(Please include screenshot for at least 4-5 fields).


  • Participant
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    Marc Sellier on #51017

    Hi Brajesh,

    I think there is a misunderstanding. I need 2 different things on the same registration page:
    1. Have conditional fields for member types.
    2. Have conditional fields for region fields (for each region, there is a city list select).

    The “Member types pro” plugin offers conditions only for member types. I need to manage conditional fields for regions and cities too. How can I do that if I disable the “Conditional Profile Fields” plugin?
    That’s the reason why I’m using both.

    As requested, here below the screenshots of some fields (with “Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress” plugin activated):

    Also, I noticed that there are 2 different link on my WP admin called “Member Types Pro” and “Tipi di membro” that basically are the same thing. How is that possible? Is that a problem?
    Here some screenshot about this situation:


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #51026

    Hi Marc,
    Thank you.

    I suggested that you should only use one plugin to apply conditions. Please disable the member type pro condition and instead use Conditional field.

    I am not seeing anything wrong with your screenshots. The only issue I am noticing is there is only one field with condition, all others don’t have any.

    Please disable “Member Types Pro” conditional registration, deactivate youzer temporarily and re-check. I don’t see any reason for it to not work with select boxes(unless you edit the region field after setting condition on it, BuddyPress will change the child ids in that case).


  • Participant
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    Marc Sellier on #51033

    Hi Brajesh,

    I disabled “BuddyPress Member Types Pro” and all the Youzify plugins:

    Now nothing works. You can check here: https://intimoclub.it/register/

    Any suggestion? At this point I don’t know what to do anymore.


  • Participant
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    Marc Sellier on #51034

    To get on with the work, I must activate Youzify.

    As you can see here, disabling BuddyPress Member Types Pro, there is no anymore the “Chi sei?” select which is a member type select: https://snipboard.io/O58UL2.jpg

    Also, the region/city conditions don’t work more because region is connected with the member types. If the use can’t choose a member type, it should be impossible choose a regione and a city.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #51047

    Hi Marc,
    I am sorry, our plugins are not compatible with Youzify(except BuddyBlog and couple more).

    We will process you refund within 2 working days as we don’t have any plan for youzify compatibility.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 8
    Marc Sellier on #51055


    before to proceed with the refund, can you give some day to investigate further?

    I wanna remember you that even if I disable Youzify, the bugs are still there. So are you sure that the problem is the compatibility with Youzify?


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