Hi, I really like this plugin and would like to automatically set the account status to deactivated when a member cancels their membership in Paid Membership Pro.
I use the following function (fyi, I simplified it for this question)to do stuff when a member changes their membership level status.
Could you help me with the code I would need to add to the last elseif section for cancelling memberships to deactivate their BP status? Note, when they cancel, I am not removing the user from the backend, in case they want to rejoin later and still have their historical info.
Second question, when we do this, if I user re-signs back up for Level 1 or 2, do I need to reset their account status back to active or will that happen automatically?
Thanks for your help.
function my_pmpro_after_change_membership_level($level_id){
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$user_id = $user->id;
}// get user object
$wp_user_object = new WP_User($user_id);// ignore admins
if(in_array(“administrator”, $wp_user_object->roles)){
}if($level_id == 1){
// New member of level #1. Give them subscriber role.
$wp_user_object->set_role(‘subscriber’);}elseif($level_id == 2){
// New member of level #2. Give them Vendor role.
$wp_user_object->set_role(‘vendor’);}elseif($level_id == 0){
//Cancelling Membership. Give them Subscriber role.
add_action(“pmpro_after_change_membership_level”, “my_pmpro_after_change_membership_level”);Hi Mark,
Thank you for posting.
Here is the code that you can useif ( function_exists( 'bp_account_deactivator' ) ) { bp_account_deactivator()->set_inactive( $user_id ); }
Hope that helps.
Hi that worked. What is the code to set to auto activate? Would I just change the code to
bp_account_deactivator()->set_active( $user_id );Also,
The message that say “Your account in inactive…” should say “Your account is inactive…”. Just a small typo I noticed and fixed in my plugin install.Hi Mark,
Thank you.
yes, The code to set active isbp_account_deactivator()->set_active( $user_id );
Also, I have updated the plugin and fixed the typo in 1.0.3.
Thank you
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