How do I show a member list that is alphabetically sorted? I tried the shortcode: [bp-members-list], but this does not seem to offer sorting options.
Hi Prokop,
Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.Can you please point me to the context document for this shortcode. I am unable to recall it.
Thank you
I believe what He is trying to say is that the default BuddyPress Sorting Order starts from “Last Active” — as you can see here—- https://prnt.sc/G5-mIwwvC8Us
But he needs a way that the Order can be reversed to start from Alphabetical as his new default Order.
Now, he is saying that your plugin doesn’t provide a Sorting Order in the Shortcode, where he can choose his custom Alphabetical Sorting Order!
Thank you.
It’s an old topic and we should have closed it earlier due to lack of reply.If you need assistance with anything similar, Please open a new topic.
Thank you
The topic ‘[bp-members-list] alphabetical sort’ is closed to new replies.