

BP Notifications Widget: Translate title & notify all users (new post)

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    knowmates on #40171


    I have two questions according to the BuddyPress Notifications Widget.

    1st: How can I translate the widget-title “NOTIFICATIONS”? In /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-notifications-widget/languages we don’t have a .pot file to start a translation via PoEdit.

    2nd: When a user with the role ‘author’ publishes a new post then only he gets that notification (to my mind that is right). The problem is that this author is the only user that gets a nr. 1 circle in the BuddyPress menu bubble-count notifications-count. We want every user to see on that bell that a new post has been published. E-Mail notification is not helpful because we use that page as an intranet.

    Best regards

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    knowmates on #40210


    the 1st question is solved but has no one an idea according to the 2nd question?

    Best regards

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24722
    Brajesh Singh on #40218

    Hi knowmate,
    Thank you for letting us know.

    The 2nd issue is not related to this plugin. It does not create any notification. It simply displays them. You will need to write custom code to add local BuddyPress notification on post publishing.


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