

bp-simple-front-end-post conflict membermouse

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Roberto Ortiz on #4790

    Hello, I have a problem … I have a plugin (membermouse) that adds some functions to the front end wanted to know if there is any way to remove these elements belonging to membermouse, and provide me with membermouse and they tell me that perhaps there may be a php code to remove or “hide” these elements that appear every time a user will post a new blog. Please would greatly appreciate your help in this matter !!!

    You can see a screenshot here: http://es.lifeket.club/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/delete-elements.jpg

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #4800

    Hi Roberto,
    I am sorry for the convenience. Thank you for the screenshot that helped me to understand.

    The problem lies on part oe MemberMouse plugin and not us. We are not doing anything special Just calling

    wp_editor( $content, 'bp_simple_post_text', array( 'media_buttons'=> $this->allow_upload, 'quicktags'=> false)) ;

    Please see this


    The plugin should check if it should be enabled on the front end editor for the given user capability.

    Please ask their support and let them know it, They should be able to fix it.

    Hope that helps.

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