

[Resolved] BP simple front end post is not showing the post customizing toolbar

  • Participant
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    RISHABH GOEL on #10497

    Suddenly,BP simple front end post is not showing the toolbar for customizing posts , options like bold,italics,hyperlinks,alignments,etc.
    Please help as soon as possible.


  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #10500

    Hello Rishabh,

    Thank you for posting. Please provide me some tester account detail and point me where I can find the BP Simple front form. So that i could check.


  • Participant
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    RISHABH GOEL on #10501

    Sir, the website is live. Just a question Can’t you see directly the error.

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #10502

    Hello Rishabh,

    Form will not appear for sites visitors. It only appear when user logged in. So you have to provide me one test user account. So that i could help.


  • Participant
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    RISHABH GOEL on #10503

    Login: rishu
    Password: qwerty

    Please help sir

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #10504

    Hello Rishabh,

    It seems on your site some how tinymce javascript library is not loading which is causing error. This can be due to other plugins or theme conflict ion. Please try by disabling other plugins or switching to other theme. Please let me know.

    Check the following url:


  • Participant
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    RISHABH GOEL on #10505

    Yes sir,its done.thanks lot.
    The problem is caused due to some optimization plugin or may be i have added a new plugin named tinyMCE excerpt.

    One more thing if possible can you tell me how i can increase the size of textbox where we are writing blog posts?

  • Keymaster
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    Posts: 3096
    Ravi on #10506

    Hello Rishabh,

    Thank you for updating me. I am glad that I could help. Rishabh, are you okay with php as we have to modify one file ‘form.php’ in bp-simple-front-end plugin. Just goto line no. 29 there is a function wp_editor replace it with

    wp_editor( $content, 'bp_simple_post_text', array(
    					'media_buttons' => $this->allow_upload,
    					'quicktags'     => false,
                                            'editor_height' => 200, 
    				) );

    Or greater value to increase editor height. Please let me know if it is fixed or not

    Thank You

  • Participant
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    Posts: 18
    RISHABH GOEL on #10507

    Thanks a lot sir,it worked

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