

Branded login and force login with email support

  • Participant
    Level: Guru
    Posts: 903
    Tosin on #33804


    The branded login has a filter to force login with only email addresses. I would like to know if that filter would conflict with this plugin or will you also add support for this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/force-login-with-email/


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #33814

    Hi Tosin,
    Thank you for the question.

    I have tested it now. These two plugins are working well together. There is no need for any change or update.


  • Participant
    Level: Guru
    Posts: 903
    Tosin on #33834

    Thanks for the feedback, for further clarification

    Do you mean that plugin will not conflict with this filter

     * Email login support for bp-branded-login plugin
    add_filter( 'wp_authenticate_user', function( $user ) {
    	if ( isset( $_POST['log'] ) && ! is_email( trim( $_POST['log'] ) ) ) {
    		return new WP_Error( 'invalid_email', __( 'Please provide a valid email' ) );
    	return $user;
    }, 10 ); 


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #33836

    Hi Tosin,
    I do not see any issue with it. Also, if you are using the force email plugin, you do not need the above code.


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