Tagged: buddyblog post formatting
I’ve searched the forum, but haven’t found a specific answer to my question. I have Buddy Blog and BP Simple Front End Post. Everytime I post a blog as an admin, whether on the back end or front, the formatting is wonky. There are no spaces between lines even if I enter <br> codes.
Here is a sample. https://swoonworthyhea.com/members/jharte/buddyblog/my-posts/805/
Under the video, you’ll see there is no extra spaces between areas that need a natural break (ie from the list of credits and the heart line to separate creator info)
Can you tell me how I can spacial formatting on a blog post with Buddy Blog?
Thank you.
Hi Leslie,
Thank you for using the plugin.It seems you are using Youzer and it is removing the formatting. By default, the plugin inherits all the marging/padding etc for your media/paragraph from your theme.
I am posting some smaple css that you may add to make it better
.user-post { padding: 20px;} .user-post p { margin-bottom: 1em;}
Please feel free to add your own as you need them.
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