

BuddyBlog additional support

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Bill on #2356

    I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me some more guidance about the BuddyBlog plugin. I installed the plugins(BuddyBlog and BuddyPress Simple Front End Post).

    I am using the latest version of WordPress and I am working on Multi-Site.

    I need help with the settings after installation and especially with the “Registering a Form Instance:-” creation.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #2357

    Hi Bill,
    Welcome to BuddyDev forums.

    If you have installed the BuddyBlog and BP Simple Front end post plugin, you sould get an out of the box form that allows users to post.

    Can you please visit your BuddyPress profile and see if it appearing or not?

    Now, “Registering a Form Instance”, You don’t need to do that with BuddyBlog. BuddyBlog does it for you. If you want to modify the form, please do let me know.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Bill on #2358

    Hello Brajesh,

    Thank you so much for your reply.
    I am using a theme that uses BuddyPress. Here is the theme

    I want students to be able to create their own posts.
    I asked from the template team to do that but they don’t support student’s blogging. They suggested me your BuddyDEV plugins.

    So I have installed both plugins. I noticed that I am getting an out of the box form(where I can create or edit posts) only when I am administrator.
    If I logged in as student I can’t do that. I am not getting the out of the box form. There are no active fields(header, body ) in order to create a post.

    Maybe it has to do with theme’s restrictions.

    If you have any solutions I would appreciate it if you could give me some more help.

    Anyway, thanks again for the answer.

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