Tagged: buddyblog
Hello! I hope this is the right place to post my query, I got a little lost with the forum navigation.
My problem is with the BuddyBlog and BP Simple Front End Post combo.
I installed both plugins, configured BuddyBlog and in the Buddypress profile I have the new BLOG navigation tab.Within that BLOG tab I correctly see my posts in “Posts”, so far so good
The problem is that when entering the NEW POST submenu (www.mysite.com/members/user-name/buddyblog/edit/) the page goes to www… /buddyblog/bp-member-profile-edit/)
I am attaching screenshots of the BuddyBlog configuration, in case you see something wrong there.
SETTINGS SCREENSHOT 1 https://ibb.co/7pp72ZG
SETTINGS SCREENSHOT 3 https://ibb.co/s2DPzZgThank you in advance for your help and your excellent work.
Hi Kiara,
Thank you for using the plugin.
This is an issue introduced by BuddyPress’s new Rewrite URI parser.Please install and activate BP Classic plugin and it will be fixed.
BrajeshHi Kira,
Thank you.
I am glad it is working.Regards
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