

BuddyBlog: "Show single posts on user profile" not working with CPT

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 8
    maelga on #130

    Hi again Brajesh, another feedback on Buddyblog:

    I’m testing it with Custom Post Types and enabled “Show single posts on user profile”.
    This does not work.

    My permalinks are set to “Post name” in WP settings and my CPT have a slug set.
    The permalink remains domain.com/CPTslug/postname and not something like domain.com/members/username/buddyblog/postname.

    Is there a workaround to show CPT posts on user profile?
    Something like: domain.com/members/username/buddyblog/CPTslug/postname

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #134

    Hi Maelga,
    I just tested with custom post type and it did Work for the the Id based url like

    I did not test with the string permalink.
    Since I am working on the limiting bug(count issue, I will check this thing too).

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 8
    maelga on #138

    Thanks Brajesh.

    I noticed another issue with CPT: I do not get the Edit link at the bottom of posts.
    Even for the admin. There is only Unpublish or Delete. No Edit.

    In Buddyblog settings I have set all 3 user capabilities To Yes: unpublish, edit, delete.
    But Edit still does not show up.

    Any idea what goes wrong?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #139

    Hi Maelga,
    The delete and edit are not capabilities.

    Please take a look at this page for using the proper capabilities.

    It should be edit_posts and delete_posts. Also, if your custom post type is mapping the capability, in that case, you may need to use the mapped capability. Please try the edit_posts and delete_posts and see if that works.

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