

Buddycommerce – Wocommerce Facebook Pixel integration problem

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 36
    Cap Luis on #25953

    The Facebook Pixel woocommerce plugin integrates the products from my store to the facebook store. And it takes the checkout button with direct link from the cart to facebook.

    The problem he is taking the link mysite.com/member/admin/cart/?add-to-cart

    It always takes the logged in admin user link.

    In buddycommerce I do not have cart redirection enabled for buddypress profile. I disabled it to avoid it.

    And nothing solved, I was forced to disable the plugin and that solved the problem leading to the default woocommerce cart page.

    Many faceook users have no account on my site, in which case they need to see the default woocommerce shopping cart.

    This is a buddycommerce issue.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #25959

    Hi Cap,
    Can you please try saving the details once more time. If the cart redirection is not enabled, It will not take to the user profile.

    I am testing it again too.


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