Tagged: moderation
We have some groups that we have created, not user generated ones. Like our Support group. I would like to remove the Report button from that group.
I can probably find a way to target it with CSS. But I was hoping there could be a way to exclude specific groups, users, or forums from getting a report button.
Hi Gregg,
Thank you for the topic.It is doable with filters.
Our team will assist you on Monday/Tuesday with the code.
BrajeshHello Gregg,
Please try the following code. It will hide report button form certatin groups.
function buddydev_modify_report_button( $button, $args ) { if ( 'bp_group' != $args['item_type'] ) { return $button; } // Replace by you groups id. $hide_for_groups = array( 43, 42 ); if ( in_array( $args['item_id'], $hide_for_groups ) ) { $button = ''; } return $button; } add_filter( 'bpmts_report_button', 'buddydev_modify_report_button', 10, 2 );
Please let me know if works.
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