

Buddypress activity shortcode- exclude certain types of group activity, eg joins

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    Kir on #50569

    Hi there, this is a great plugin, thank you!

    Could you help with shortcode for excluding group activity types? I’m using the below to show activity from a few groups, and the stream is being filled with notices saying “XXX joined the group XXXX” so I would like to exclude group joins, leaves etc, thank you 🙂

    My shortcode: [activity-stream title= “my-title” object=groups per_page=20 primary_id=X,X,X]

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    Kir on #50570

    Oops! Please ignore that extra bit of code [/su_tab] – obviously nothing to do with it, I pasted it in by accident and the edit button above isn’t working for me so I can’t remove it.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #50580

    Hi Kir,
    Thank you for the question.
    We don’t have the ability to exclude actions. You can limit it to some actions using


    That will only show use posted updates in the group.


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    Kir on #50738

    Hi there thank you I will look at this.

    A separate issue, I’ve been trying to set up transcoder, I tried yours but was unable to see any success, it was telling me I didn’t have ffmpeg installed, when it is definitely there, at usr/bin – I know it’s working because I tried it with videopack https://wordpress.org/plugins/video-embed-thumbnail-generator/ and the instance of ffmpeg was detected there without any issue. I read back through whatever I could find about it and saw you had suggested ensuring shell_exec was enabled and it definitely is for the version of php I’m using.

    The strange thing is, when transcoding, after automatic conversion and creation of a thumbnail, whilst mediapress plugin is active every video uploads with a default mediapress video thumbnail. But when I deactivate mediapress and replace with another plugin, (I used rt media), the video was uploaded fine and the thumbnail autocreated without any issue. Could you point me in the direction of why the mediapress video thumbnail might be overriding the autocreated video thumbnails each time? I’d much prefer to use Mediapress 🙂 Thanks

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #50744

    Hi Kir,
    Thank you for the reply.

    I am not sure why the transcoder did not work for you. Which os/version are you using for hosting?

    MediaPress should only affect the video uploaded for MediaPress. It should have no effect on other media uploaded via wp.

    The reason other plugin does not work is they probably use wp_generate_attachment_metadata or something similar. In MediaPress, we are using mpp_generate_attachment_metadata. The decision was taken to avoid letting WordPres generate various thumbnail sizes registered by theme/other plugins(which are not relevant to MediaPress).


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    Kir on #50746

    Hi thanks Brajesh, and yes I couldn’t get mpp transcoder working at all, I read back through all that Í could find before writing and Í can see I’ve got the same issue a few others had but can’t find any fix. Í don’t mind just using videopack, it includes a watermarking tool that’s useful – but I would really like to keep using mediapress for everything to do with media, I just can’t find anyway to prevent that default thumbnail video-thumbnail from replacing the video thumbnails that videopack is creating. Can you think of anything I could try to stop that from happening?

    The server is linux, and ffmpeg is the latest, everything else is the latest, php 7.4 and videopack does use wp_generate_attachment_metadata

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #50751

    Hi Kir,
    I am sorry for the experience. If the other plugin is allowing transcoding, we are going to look into ours a bit and will ensure it works for you. We will update by next week.

    We are unable to add compatibility with videopack as the hook we use is not in line with what they expect.


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    Kir on #50752

    Ah ok thanks, well if we can get yours working I would love to use it, I’ll wait to hear
    Thanks Brajesh

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    Kir on #50756

    Hi again,
    I wondered if I could try to understand more about the way the that the thumbnail is attributed to the video in mediapress, so that using mediapress doesn’t discount the use of videopack plugin for attributing a thumbnail / encoding in future profjects (it offers things like watermarking and auto encoding to a different format for uniformity in the site etc out of the box, which is really useful).


    Looking at it a bit more, I was wondering if the issue we’re having could be pinpointed, I can see that videopack finds the video uploaded via mediapress ok, and puts it into the queue for an automatic thumbnail / encodes it automatically upon upload, so that is all fine. In admin for the attachment all of the options for applying thumbs from the videopack plugin show and save as they should, the only thing is that front end, the default video-thumb from mediapress shows either way instead of whatever you select.
    Thanks Brajesh

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #50771

    Hi Kir,
    Thank you for the reply.

    The cover is a media(WordPress attachment) itself. We are storing the id of cover in ‘_mpp_cover_id’ post meta.

    For gallery cover, the associated post id is gallery id, for media cover, the post id is attachment(media) id.


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