

BuddyPress Auto Friend or Follow suggestion

  • Participant
    Level: Guru
    Posts: 903
    Tosin on #34816


    Thanks for adding the auto follow feature to the Buddypress Auto Friendship pro plugin.
    After testing the auto follow feature which worked perfectly I came up with an idea I would like to suggest which is

    – Ability to auto friend or auto follow a specified amount of users based on how active such users are.
    For example in the settings I can set the number of users to be auto followed to 10 based on the frequency of how active such users.

    – Only users who are active should be auto followed this will encourage such users to be more active which will drive user interaction and engagement.

    The challenge I might see is how to determine auto followed users and there should be criterias for selecting the auto friend or follow rule like


    1. Frequency or amount of blog posts created
    2. Frequency or amount of custom post type created like (events, adverts etc)
    3. Frequency of active logins, a plugin like this https://wordpress.org/plugins/when-last-login/ should be able to determine this.
    4. Frequency or amount of activity/status updates created

    I really think this feature would create deeper connections, interactions and engagement in any community.
    It would be more meaningful if the 10 auto followed users vary from user to user rather than all new users auto following the same set 10 auto followed users as others.

    There should be diversity of auto followed connections based on user activity

    Currently your plugin creates this auto connections based of similar profile data or profile interest this feature will take it a step further so auto connections will be created based on the settings adopted.

    1. similar profile data or interest
    2. user activity based on selected criterias mentioned above.

    I would like to know your thoughts on this as you might have better understanding to the possibilities or limitations of my suggestion.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #34827

    Hi Tosin,
    Thank you for the suggestions.

    Currently, the user’s are a custom list of user ids as specified by admin.

    We are planning to introduce the selected user’s source option where you can specify by a role/member type, custom list(which is already there) or extend it with your own custom list sources for user’s.

    That will open it for all kind of extension. We do not plan to include recently active ‘n’ users currently but I will add it to our list and if we get a few more upvote on this one, IT will be part of the plugin.


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