

BuddyPress BuddyCommerce integration with Subscriptio

  • Participant
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    Christiaan on #29399


    I’m using the BuddyCommerce plugin and it works great.
    Now, I bought the plugin Subscriptio – WooCommerce Subscriptions on CodeCanyon but when the plugin is activated and the BuddyCommerce plugin is inactive there is an tab added to the “My account” page with the current subscriptions and a way to view them.

    When BuddyCommerce is active there is no tab in the BuddyPress profile with the information about the subscription.

    I can understand that this is not (yet) integrated, so what I did is as follow:
    I added an sub menu item to the shop nav and can get the current subscriptions with a shortcode.
    But when I click on view I’m not able to view the subscription. Infortunattly there is no shortcode for the view option of a single subscription, the url links to https://websitename.com/users/webvd/shop/view-subscription/93/ and when clicking on it the page is not found. The normal url is https://websitename.com/my-account/view-subscription/93/, this one is also not working, only when the BuddyCommerce plugin is off.

    I’m trying to find a way to display the single subscription (so the user is able to cancel it, or see more details) afte clicking the view button. It is also nice when it can be viewed in the same tab under Shop, just like how the addresses can be edited and how they stay on the same tab.

    It is not necessary for me to be able to turn it on or off in the backend.

    Hopefully you can help me out.

  • Participant
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    Christiaan on #29400
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #29402

    Hi Christiaan,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    I am sorry, At the moment, we are unable to add compatibility with other 3rd party plugins due to lack of time.

    I will suggest disabling the account redirect if you continue using BuddyCommerce, so that users can access their subscriptions too from normal wooCommerce subscriptions page.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 2
    Christiaan on #29403

    Thank you for your quick reply.
    I understand that you are to busy with other things so there is no time for.

    Can you tell me how to disable the redirect? I was searching for that as well but I did not find the solution.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #29405

    Hi Christian,
    Thank you for the understanding.

    It is available under each menu item settings section.

    Please see the “Redirect WooCommerce my account page to BuddyPress profile page”


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